Mario Olivares Ortega

25 Jul 2023
SimpleMind Science
I'm Mario Olivares Ortega researcher, administrator, and creator of Simply Science, here you will find free courses Unreal Engine 5, information on science and the web pages niche
Quién es Mario Olivares Ortega

Who is Mario Olivares Ortega

Hi my name that Mario Olivares Ortega I am the administrator and creator of ®Simply Science is a registered trademark of the copyrighted (for me to know if you want to use the logo or name), on this website you will find free courses Unreal Engine 5information on science and pages niches.

I have devoted many years to study, apply, and conduct research on the technology and its use in therapies for neurological. Some of the companies that I have worked with or on projects where I have worked, I can not name them or mention the products that is the entrance to a demand by authorised, but I'm in the freedom of being able to teach what you have learned.

Then I can show you a few things that can help you make an image of my person.


Beginning in the humanities and social sciences + mathematics

I started in the humanities and social sciences when he was still a puppy with 17 years, after I wanted to study computer science or something with computing, but the math never were a gift that was hidden inside me.


Sciences, Teaching and much study

Since 2012 I am a graduate of Kinesiology or also known as a physical therapist in some countries. In the course of the years I went to refine and pulled out a Magister or Master's degree in University Teaching, Master's degree in Neuro Rehabilitation, Masters at Unity and C#.

I also have some postgraduate degrees as in motor skills of children, post-graduate in skeletal muscle and a post-graduate in behavioral disorders and attention deficit disorder.

In the same way I have a wide variety of diploma courses such as diploma in skeletal muscle, a diploma in integrative neuroscience, graduate diploma in higher education, diploma in neuro rehabilitation, children's, diploma in neuro rehabilitation in adult, diploma in neuroscience, etc

And, finally, I have a vast amount of courses and certificates in a range of areas such as rehabilitation, education, neuroscience, and technology.

I would like to take the Doctoral and Postdoctoral, but it is so much time and money is invested my pocket does not allow me to do so and frankly I'd rather that time invested in Simply Science that has me very entertained.

I'll try to take some photos to diplomas more important to upload them, sometimes it is hard to believe that someone who writes, he dresses and speaks so bad, you can study and learn so much.

I am, in summary, a lover of learning, researching, creating and working in a team, I have a great ability to learn (dismiss mathematics, physics and chemistry that cost me a monstrosity), which have helped me to work in interesting places.


Mario Olivares Ortega and his early opposition

At the beginning you make a few exhibitions super entertaining te mencionare which make the year 2017 (so as not to bore you):

  • Conference of the Faculty of Education Sciences University of San Sebastian “VIII International Seminar & III National Congress of Physical Activity Sciences and Sports 2017”.
    Research exposed: “Analysis of data obtained between ASQ3 and TEPSI in children between 2 to 5 years, with the intervention motor belonging to the Garden Hummingbird in the municipality of Concepción, Chile.”
  • International congress of the Methodology of Science and Research to Education, held in San Francisco de Campeche, Mexico, from 25 to 27 October 2017.
    Research exposed: “Analysis between styles and strategies of learning in students of the Universidad Andrés Bello”.
  • International symposium of Address, Management, Leadership, and education Policy at Catholic University of the Maule 2017.
    Research exposed: “Analysis and comparison between styles and learning strategies in first-year students belonging to the integral center of support and development the student of the Universidad Andrés Bello”.

Research and publications Mario Olivares Ortega

Take advantage of publish my first research that allowed me to know the nexus abroad, such as, for example:


  • “Analysis and comparison between styles and learning strategies in first-year students belonging to the integral center of support and development the student of the Universidad Andrés Bello”. Magazine co-edited between Editorial Redipe, Catholic University of the Maule and Universidad Andrés Bello, 2017.
    ISBN: 978-958-8967-20-2.
  • “Analysis between styles and strategies of learning in students of the Universidad Andrés Bello” in Journal AMMCI, Mexico 2017, page 124.
    ISBN: 2448-8135.
  • Cooperative research “learning Strategies during the process of formation in students of medical technology,” UNAB.
  • Research very entertaining “Effect of a program of binaural beats holofonicos on the level of attentional deficit in students between 10 and 13 years, belonging to the college of Mary Immaculate Conception. A pilot study”.
  • Other research very fun to do (it was a headache) “Programming software along with the graphics engine Unreal Engine 4.27 controlled by input through potential evoked cortical level through the electroencephalogram Copd+ company Emotiv. Pilot study”.

Book of Mario Olivares Ortega

And also in my moments of madness publish a book (I'd like to write another, but it gives me a laziness).

• «Estilos y estrategias de aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios. Paradoja de una premisa en la que nada tiene una verdad absoluta.»
ISBN 978-620-2-16150-3

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Simply Science and Mario Olivares Ortega

Madness of entertainment at the level of learning and creation where the main thing was and is entertained by creating've researched. These beginnings that I have shown took me to be known by some companies that were dedicated to the implementation of technologies in different areas, something that for me was very interesting.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of these research companies were private and north is to generate profitable business for me, I was indifferent (it was what I liked and they paid me well, that's better) but things happened that ethically not shared, such as build software and hardware are easy to create that it is sold at a price desorbitantes where users who needed these technical aids could not pay, or they had to get to levels inhuman.

This triggered in me, a discomfort that leads me to give up everything and work as a to be able to help those in need of these advances, or to teach what he had learned through all these years (it could not work in a place that I feel bad, uncomfortable), with the resume or portfolio could apply to any company, but it is not my north, I needed to do something fun and that I could help indirectly to someone else somewhere in the world.

It is for this reason that in the year 2023, in a few months to study WordPress and SEO (for this comes out my name so many times in the titles) to embark on make money online by learning how to create pages of niche that they had left me some money and be able to create Simply Science with the banner of teach for free or at a very low cost (my dream made real) where the ideal is that the fee for a course to be voluntary, and by the amount that you can afford, that, despite everything, to teach you all with the hope that you can learn, serve you and help me financially when you already generate income.

This web page is a log of the crazy things that I'll be doing, where you are a part and that makes me very happy, I will always be there to help and that we have fun on this journey of knowledge.

Do you want more information on the books of Ortega Olivares Mario?

For now I've only posted one, maybe some day, I encourage you to write a better one than this.

Estilos y estrategias de aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios: Paradoja de una premisa en la que nada tiene una verdad absoluta lo puedes encontrar buscando en google.

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The axes X-y-Z are fundamental in all the graphics engine and design as Godot, Blender, Unity, Maya, 3ds max, and Unreal Engine, in this latter has a significance, depending on what you want to generate, for example, where you put on your player, enemies, trees, stones and the creation of the scenario having a logic of atmosphere you want to integrate, the place in which the players form an active part and be part of this environment.

You will understand how to move fluidly in the Unreal engine 5.3.1 knowing some of their shortcuts like F of focus or focus among others.

You will understand the importance of being ordered and what to do if you get lost or want to move quickly in the scenario created by you.

🔴04 COURSE, UNREAL ENGINE 5 | Optimization, how to increase successfully the speed of work?

In chapter 4 we will talk about the proper optimization in Unreal Engine 5.3.2 we will see the importance of choosing correctly where to start with the player to not have collisions with objects created, we will put into practice the Kill Z, who from the beginning that you take into account this value according to the type of game that you'll create. 

You will learn how to change inside the editor first person to third, or a top down, real-time without the need for export, with the purpose of understand that vista is best suited to your game and go to experiencing. 

We will learn how to change the size of the screen to know from the outset how would your game on mobile phones iPhone, Samsung, Tablet, monitors, etc 

Finally, you'll learn new shortcuts that would save a very important time in the way of your creation. 

I hope you like and remember to practice everything already seen that each time the difficulty will increase, we need to meet goals and challenges that it will come. 

icono simplemente ciencia, es un cerebro con grandes ojos que tiene cara de estar pensando

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