Privacy policy

12 Jul 2023
SimpleMind Science

On this website you respect and take care of the users ' personal data and your rights are guaranteed, as it complies with applicable law: the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights. Also in compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons (RGPD), as well as with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI). You're in a space that is 100% safe.

If you're under the age of 14 years requires the consent of your parent or guardian to register some data on this website.

We strive each day to keep a safe, and reliable, so that:

  • We will always ask for consent to process your data.
  • Only we will collect the personal information expressly required.
  • Do not share your personal information with anyone except to comply with the law or in case of having your express permission.
  • We will only use your data for the purpose they have been collected, for which you have given consent, and you can always revoke this consent.
  • We will retain your data only for the time necessary for the purposes of the treatment. In the case of subscriptions, we will periodically review the database and delete those inactive records for a considerable time.

The personal data that you send to us via the forms on the website will receive the treatment of data of the website Users and subscribers” and/or “customers and suppliers.” includes an SSL certificate. It is a security protocol that makes your data travel in full and safe, i.e., the transmission of data between a server, web user, and in feedback, is fully encrypted or encrypted.

Then, is reported with the maximum transparency how we deal with your personal data.

A. Responsible for the processing of your personal data

This website offers full transparency, so you'll be informed of our data as responsible for this web site:

Identity of the responsible: Mario Olivares Ortega and

Contact Email: [email protected]

Social activity: Sale of online courses, video and creation of businesses online, education, and delivery of information science, technology and entertainment. Realization of experiments and hypothesis testing.

B. Systems of capture of information, its purpose and the time of conservation of personal data

The legal basis for the processing of your data is: your consent, always requires the prior consent of the users to treat their personal data for the purposes indicated in each of the forms.

The personal data provided will be retained: Until you request its suppression by the individual concerned or as long as the business relationship.

The categories of data that are treated are identification data and payment. Not discussed categories of sensitive data.

The capture of the information will be made through the following means, where it details the purpose for which they were collected:

Subscription forms, which are located in different parts of the web, and where you will be asked the name and email address. The user must confirm your subscription in order to validate your e-mail address. The data provided will be used exclusively for sending the Newsletter and keep you updated on news and offers specific, exclusive to subscribers
Forms of comments, to comment on the posts published on the blog. The personal data entered as a minimum will be the name, email and the web address (optional). These comments will be used exclusively for moderarlos and publish them.

Contact formfor queries, suggestions or professional contact. In this case we will use the email address to respond to them and send the information that the user is required via the web.

Purchase form in order to purchase products and services requested, as a minimum, the following personal data: name, last Name, email, ID card, or RUTH and address.

Cookieswhen you surf is stored cookies. You can get more information by consulting the cookie policy.

Systems of Google Analyticsto study the users/customers to your preferences, demographic characteristics, tastes, traffic patterns, and other information together to better understand who constitute the audience, which is what it needs to, but does not identify you individually to each user/client. The tracking of the preferences also helps us to show you more relevant ads.

Facebook Ads, to make remarketing to associate a particular audience that has already visited the website prior to a particular message, with the purpose of re-visit the website.

This information is collected through the cookies of Facebook, which you may disable through the Network Advertising Initiative.

Puedes revocar tu consentimiento desde la pagina web oficial. Así mismo puedes indicar que no quieres anuncios basados en intereses de facebook ni de otras empresas a través de la Alianza Europea de Publicidad Digital Interactiva (European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance, EDAA) de Your On Line Choice ( o en la configuración en tu dispositivo.

To use the function of public, custom use the tool Website Custom Audience of Facebook, which makes use of the pixel of facebook that mark to the visitor of the web form anonymized.

Google Ads, to make remarketing to a specific audience that has already visited the website prior to a particular message, with the purpose of re-visit the website.

C. what third parties will communicate your data to?

Google Analytics: a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a company of Delaware whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, Usa (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help to analyze the use that users make of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the united States.

Platform WordPress Automattic Inc: con domicilio en EEUU. Más información en: (Automattic Inc.). Automattic Inc. trata los datos con la finalidad de realizar sus servicios de plataforma web.

Google Drive: herramienta dedicada a almacenar en la nube una copia de seguridad de los archivos y acceder a ellos fácilmente. Este servicio está a cargo de la empresa Google LLC, ubicada en Mountain View, California, Estados Unidos de América. Han adoptado cláusulas tipo de procesamiento de datos aprobadas por la Comisión Europea que pueden ser consultadas aquí. Puedes obtener más información en su política de privacidad.

PayPal S. C. A.: empresa utilizada para gestionar los pagos mediante tarjeta de débito y crédito en el sitio web. Ubicada en 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxemburgo. Para más información consulta su política de privacidad en

Stripe Inc: utilizada para gestionar los pagos mediante tarjeta de débito y crédito en el sitio web. Esta empresa está ubicada en EEUU, con un acuerdo de procesamiento de datos con cláusulas tipo de la Unión Europea. El usuario autoriza dicha transferencia internacional de datos. Para más información consulta su política de privacidad (

Discord: Herramienta para comunicación interna con los estudiantes. Para más información consulta su política de privacidad en

D. Plugin social it has links and services associated with the different social networks, for example the “like” of Facebook. If the visitor is a member of this social network and you click on the corresponding link, the provider of the social network will be able to bind the profile data with the information from your visit to the website.

Puedes acceder en todo momento a las políticas de privacidad de las diferentes redes sociales, así como configurar tu perfil para garantizar tu privacidad dentro de la web oficial de la red social.

E. Know your rights

At any time you can access your personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request their suppression when, among other reasons, data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. In certain circumstances, the interested parties may request the limitation of the treatment of their data, in which case only retain it for the exercise or defense of claims.

You can also oppose as they continue trying to your data, and you will be able to apply for portability of your personal data to another responsible when technically possible.

You can exercise your rights through e-mail: [email protected] together with valid proof in law, such as a photocopy of RUTH, identity card or equivalent, indicating in the subject “Data Protection”.

You also have the option to unsubscribe from any of the subscription services provided by clicking the " unsubscribe in the newsletter that we will send you.

F. Segmentation and profiling

The registration of the personal data provided at the time of subscription, contact, interaction with the web, and any other data supplied by you during the navigation, including the information supplied by the cookies in relation to your navigation habits, will be used in order to be segmented or categorized with the purpose of being applied to the activity related to the management of general administration, information, marketing of advertising space, analysis of proposals requested by users/customers, and statistical study of the services and contents used, tastes, preferences, surveys, and/or forms.

The elaboration of profiles, through the analysis of the individualized decisions is the logic applied to the profiling, using these in the statistical procedures allow you to customise what is shown in commercials according to your interest with content related to your profile.

The data used in the development of profiles and shows advertisers are not data that can identify the user, it only shows a graph of the type of audience that you have the web, your age, country, gender, etc

G. Acceptance and consent

The user/customer declares to have been informed of the conditions regarding the protection of data of personal character, accepting and consenting to the treatment thereof by Mario Olivares Ortega in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this privacy policy.

H. Changes in the privacy policy reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation, jurisprudential or doctrinal in order to improve the protection of data. In such cases, we will announce on this page changes with reasonable notice before its implementation.

The privacy policy has been updated last time the 12/07/2023.