Legal Notice

12 Jul 2023
SimpleMind Science

Legal Notice

On this page you will find all the information related to who is the responsible of this website, the legal terms and conditions that define our relationship as a user and the activities that development on it.

As a user it is important that you know these terms before continuing your navigation.

A. Data identifying the person responsible.

This website offers full transparency, so you'll be informed of our data as responsible for this web site:

Identity of the responsible: Mario Olivares Ortega and

Contact Email: [email protected]

Social activity: Sale of online courses, video and creation of businesses online, education, and delivery of information science, technology and entertainment. Realization of experiments and hypothesis testing.

B. Commitments and obligations of the users.

This website is our “office online” so there are a few standards to meet in order to not hurt your image and your target or to threaten your security.

To be more concrete:

It is prohibited to use the website for illicit or harmful purposes, or that in any way may cause harm or impede the normal operation of this.

You will not be able to perform behaviors that are harmful to our rights and interests of other users, third parties, or which in any way may damage, disable, overburden, or impair the website or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the same by the users.

All the content of the website is protected by copyright, so you may not reproduce, distribute, or modify, in whole or in part the content of the website and blog, unless you count with the authorization of Mario Olivares Ortega.

You agree that the simple fact of browsing the web does not mean that you start a relationship or job between us, and when you purchase any of our products or services, you represent that you are over 18 years of age and have the legal capacity to enter into contracts through this website.

You should also take into account the our comment policy of this website, to avoid having to remove your comment:

You'll be able to make comments on the posts to enrich the contents and perform queries, but will not be accepted comments that are not related to the topic of this website, including slurs, insults, slurs, personal attacks, or lack of respect in general to the author or to other members. These comments will be deleted by the administrators of the web, prior to its publication.

This web page has a Bot that encrypted the scriptures carried out in order to make the first filter detecting words that aggression or contain scribble words or offensive to other readers. It should be noted that these programs logarithmic can detect a false positive test for which the moderators will be in charge of the final decision on the comment, in the same way if the user that post is locked, you can communicate with the page to arrive at a solution.

Also will be deleted comments that contain information that is obviously false or misleading, as well as comments that contain personal information, such as, for example, private homes or phones and breach of the data protection policy. Like including slurs, insults, slurs, personal attacks, or lack of respect in general to the author or to other members.

Rejected, similarly, those comments created only for promotional purposes of a website, person or group, and everything that could be considered spam in general.

Does not allow anonymous comments, as well as those performed by the same person with different names. Not be deemed to be also those comments that attempt to force a debate or positions being taken by another user.

C. personal Data collected on the web.

Are detailed in the privacy policy.

It uses a secure channel, and the transmitted data are encrypted thanks to https protocols of payment. So it guarantees the best conditions of safety through private companies attached to for the privacy of the users is guaranteed.

D. Policy of external links, sponsorships, and affiliate advertising.

“” provides links to other websites our own and third-party content or affiliate links, with the sole purpose of sharing content from others that we feel are useful to complete our content or, in the case of links to membership, offer third party products or services that we believe may be of interest to you.

We are not responsible for the results that you can get access to those links, although always link to the trusted sites that really feel good because we have tested or recommendations of third parties on which we rely.

The advertising which may appear on occasion is carried out by Google ads company attached to which is responsible for analyze, and understand your tastes via the web pages you visit, use of smartphone, things you share on social networks, among others. non-delivery of information to Google ads, or to third parties about your tastes or a history of visits.

Between the affiliate links provided are to be found:

  • For now we are not affiliated with any company or website eternal.

Any contractual or tort to sign up with advertisers, affiliates or third parties found through this website you are solely and exclusively between you and them. Only we act as an advertising medium, not establishing any business relationship or of a covenant between us and them.

You can link to “” from your website, and when it is to bring value to other pages, and not in conflict with our interests. The fact that we have linked to another website does not mean that there is a contractual relationship with the same, or the acceptance or approval on our part of their content, services or products.

E. Exclusion of warranties and liability.

We do not grant any guarantee and is not liable, in any case, for damages of any nature which may arise as a result of:

  • The lack of availability, maintenance and effective operation of the website, its services and contents. This is because the server that hosts the web site are independent and self-governing to us, you only pay a lease for the use and depend on them for correct operation.
  • The existence of malware, malicious programs or harmful viruses in the contents.
  • The illicit, negligent, fraudulent or contrary to this Legal Notice.
  • The lack of legality, quality, reliability, usefulness and availability of services provided by third parties and made available to users on the website.
  • The illegal or improper use of the website.
  • The lack of taste, quality, depth of topics found in the courses.
  • com is not intended to minors, and therefore disclaim any liability for breach of this requirement or demand for the language, images or any audio-visual material shown or delivered.

F. Intellectual and Industrial Property.

It is expressly prohibited the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including its modality of making available, of all or part of the contents of this web page, for commercial purposes, in any support and by any technical means, without the authorization of You agree to respect the rights of Intellectual and Industrial Property owned by Mario Olivares Ortega and agree that we may make a legal claim against your person, corporate or company to which you belong by the theft of the information hosted on this website or on pages that “” or Mario Olivares Ortega leases to accommodate the information that is being delivered.

You understand and agree that the entirety of the website, containing but not limited to text, copywriting, blog post, content (including structure, selection, arrangement and presentation thereof) podcast, photographs, audiovisual material and graphics, is protected by trademarks, copyright and other legitimate rights, in accordance with the international treaties on the use of web content in which a large part of America and Europe are part and other proprietary rights and laws of Chile who defend, support and advise the intellectual creators of content.

All the content is registered in Safe Creative and “” it will be a registered trademark.

When you buy products “” are you easy access to the development process of our work, both the structure and the work of our teachers, and they are under a confidentiality agreement, which means that you will not be able to develop the same knowledge that “” or you'll be able to share with anyone else the shape and structure to develop your products.

Personal use of downloadable material: It is prohibited the partial or total reproduction of the downloadable both free and paid, since they are for the personal use of the subscriber or customer that you get legal access to them, it is also prohibited to editing, distribution, public communication, transformation, incorporation of a computer system, digital transmission, mechanical, or by any form or medium of all downloadable materials.

It is strictly forbidden to share the license for use of the training with more people, each license is personal and non transferable.

Any use not previously authorized, it will be considered a serious breach of the rights of intellectual or industrial property of the author, reserving Mario Olivares Ortega the right to bring civil or criminal actions that correspond against users who infringe their intellectual property rights or the intellectual, all this under pain of incurring a crime against intellectual property of the art. 270 of the Penal Code with imprisonment of up to 4 years.

Nuestros contenidos y los de nuestros colaboradores son siempre originales. No obstante, en el caso de que consideres que se ha producido una violación de sus legítimos derechos de propiedad intelectual por la introducción de un determinado contenido en la web, deberá notificar dicha circunstancia enviando un email a [email protected] indicando:

  • Personal data of the interested party holder of the rights allegedly infringed.
  • The content is protected by intellectual property rights and their location on the web.
  • The accreditation of the intellectual property rights indicated.
  • Express declaration in which the interested party is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the notification.

G. Platform for conflict resolution.

Ponemos también a disposición de los usuarios la plataforma de resolución de litigios que facilita la Comisión Europea y que se encuentra disponible en el siguiente enlace:

H. applicable Law and jurisdiction.

For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities developed therein, shall be governed by Spanish legislation or chile, to which the parties expressly submit, being competent for the resolution of all conflicts derivatives or related to your use of the Courts and Tribunals of Santiago de Chile, unless the law provides otherwise.

I. Contact.

If you have any doubt about this legal notice or any other comment on the website you can write to us at: [email protected]

The legal notice was last updated 11/07/2023