Marilyn Vos Savant, the woman is more intelligent 2023, the world And what of the story?

9 Jul 2023
SimpleMind Science
Marilyn vos Savant is the woman most intelligent of the currently listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the person with the iq, the highest in the world. It is known for solving the problem of Monty Hall proposed by the statistician Steve Selvin.
mujer más inteligente del mundo Marilyn Vos Savant

Marilyn Vos Savant (1946-living)

Context, 1900 Albert Einstein with an iq of 160 stops the banner of the most intelligent person in the world with his theory of general relativity in 1915 approx. And taking into account that in 1905 he had already postulated the theory known at the grassroots level: the equivalence of mass-energy, E=mc2.

Personas más inteligentes del mundo

The most intelligent person in the world was Albert Einstein a man!
And obviously, in those years, the woman was only a companion of men and women and there was the possibility that a woman managed to overcome those accomplishments.
But something happened years ago...which shook the scientific world of the time.

The emergence of Marilyn Vos Savant with intelligence Quotient (iq).

Intelligence is not a gift; it is a skill and is perfected with time. To succeed, you must learn to use the intelligence. It must develop these skills that are necessary to be a great thinker or the thinker looking for the best solutions to the problems. If I don't know you have these skills, it is likely to be short in the learning and in the activities of life.

IQ coeficiente intelectual de Marilyn Vos Sabant, mas inteligente del mundo

It is said that Marilyn Vos Savant achieved a score of 228 when you took the test the Stanford-Binet to the age of 10 yearsalthough the test really does not exceed the 160 points in their original form and certified. This resulted in different sources indicated that the results were divergent and that Savant has been subjected to different tests of intelligence. When did the Stanford-Binet, and what score they received? They were the main questions of the time.

What are the Benefits of the Intelligence.

The benefits of intelligence are reduced to two main areas: understanding complex situations and achieve results. 

Understanding of complex situations: the intelligences allow people to see complex situations and discover how they operate; this enables them to make better decisions, solve problems, and build empires.

Achieve results: The intelligences allow people to achieve their goals quickly, effectively and efficiently, which in turn leads to higher productivity and success. To understand complex situations, people can overcome the obstacles in front, which leads to more efficient outcomes and greater happiness.

These issues remain controversial and adding that at that time the world was really macho (1950), as it is impossible to believe that a woman would be so clever as to overcome scientific men recognized in his time.

Entrevista Marilyn Vos Sabant

Understanding as mentioned above the intelligence is not a gift. It is a skill that can be developed with time. So we can deduce that the intelligence is the ability to think and process information using different areas of the brain. Intelligence can be defined as the “ability to understand complex situations, knowing how to apply knowledge in a variety of environments and using THIS KNOWLEDGE to achieve results”

In 1985 Savant participated in the Mega Test, a test of intelligence designed by Hoeflin. The editors of the Guinness Book of Records took note of that result, she was the lawyer of Boston, Andrew Egendorf, who was writing a book about the organizations for the gifted, the one who sent him the results of Savant.

She went on to be ranked in the editions of the Book published between 1986 and 1989 under the category "Higher IQ" scores 228. Since 1988 Savant is listed under the same category in the Guinness Book of World Records Hall of Fame. Before the results of Savant were published in the Book, the quotient (IQ) higher than indicated there was a score of 196.

Scientific revolution, the pride and the main enemy.

Columnist, writer, speaker, literata, and american novelist who became a global celebrity after be listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the person with the quotient or iq (C. I.), the highest in the world.

Marilyn Vos Savant, columnist Parade Magazine

After being titled as the most intelligent in the world is engaged by Parade magazine to write a column called “Ask Marilyn (Ask Marilyn)”, where answers questions from readers about various topics, these columns were discussed in the magazine as well as in famous newspapers of the period, such as the New York Times.

It was in one of those publications when Savant publishes his statement, more controversial, which marks a milestone in the story, a before and after in the scientific world, titulándola as arrogant and stupid for the readers, and especially by the scientists of the time.

Marilyn Vos Savant and the problem of Monty Hall.

This problem or riddle was the one who condemned the reputation of Marilyn Vos Savant, for a time, it was the obligation of demonstrating statistical, scientific, and readers that this problem had no solution can increase the chances of winning the grand prize only with ingenuity.

Legendario problema o paradoja de Monty Hall

Do you want to know more about the famous problem of Monty Hall and how he manages to solve with a clear rationale and precise Marilyn Vos Savant?

The paradox of Monty Hall vs Marilyn Vos Savant.

Is it great to be a woman the world's smartest?

His life, despite being very intelligent Marilyn Vos Savant in interviews he mentions that when she was a girl, because of her gender was always treated with disdain. We're talking about the 1950s approximately.

Marilyn Vos Savant y su madre

Savant contracted his first marriage at the age of 16 years, but they divorced after 10 years. She and her first husband had two children: Mary Catherine Blinder and Dennis E. Younglove, both doctors. The second marriage of Marilyn vos Savant also lasted ten years.
On August 23, 1987, Savant married Robert Jarvik, a pioneer of the artificial heart.

Their teachers believed that their intelligence was a useless instrument, it is more, once a teacher excluded from their classes in the natural sciences because she was the only student female. When Savant obtained his diploma school, was ranked 178 in a class of 613 high school graduates, this will clarify for us to understand that the notes do not represent the intelligence of the people.

Marilyn Vos Savant estudiante y genia

He studied philosophy at Washington University in St. Louis, but his parents did abandon their courses at the end of two years. She must marry a wealthy man to have a good future.
Savant continued a career of investor and went on to work for the chain of dry cleaners in the family Mach.

After becoming a woman is financially independent, Savant embarked on a career as a writer and published several short stories, essays and newspaper articles under a pseudonym.

Readers and scientists apologize with Marilyn Vos Savant.

More than 20 years later, the debate on the semantics of questions and the response of vos Savant still continues. Quickly he joined as a debate in some classrooms. Models were built for it and likely to be able to confirm your logic and thanks to the many results which each of scientists and reader got for your account will be restored gradually to the support of their intelligence.

Although less than 10% of the readers believed that his logic was correct, at the end of the year 1992 the number had improved to 60% of people confirmed and believed their logic. In the scientific world the initial support of nearly 40% and went on to 70% approval.

Within the accusers and that now he is supported by Marilyn Vos Savant was Robert Sachs, eminence of the department of mathematics at George Mason University, who initially wrote a letter, like many others, unpleasant to Vos Savant. Last time and made his own calculations, I concluded wrote one of the best answers you could have:

“After taking me off the foot of the mouth, I am now eating a cake as normal or eating humility as a cake”, “As a confession, I promise to reply to anyone who writes to punish me. This is a shame serious professional”.

In my humble opinion there is no better professional than admit a mistake publicly.

Marylin Vos Savant mujer más inteligente

Savant never allowed that to affect its integrity, as the wave of bad words, judgments against you, questioning his intelligence, and he said something like: “I love the criticisms that I receive, the audacity of the people. I just love them!!!”. Marilyn continued for some years as a columnist for the magazine Parade Magazine. The column in which she answers the questions of the people. Since then, he has published more than 10 books.

Among many questions that we have made one, she says, if you still remember how you felt during the discussion of the problem of Monty Hall. The answer to the question was: 

“Failure is usually temporary, but giving up is permanent”.


Marilyn Vos Savant achievement which for many is one of the most difficult things to achieve, constantly fight and demonstrate just why is the woman most intelligent in the world, their experiences, their stories, their life will allow you to be who he is today.
A tremendous woman which does not know the word surrender.
In June 2011, Savant was asked by a reader if I actually had the higher IQ of the world. She replied:

“I think not. How do you want us to check this hypothesis?”. 

Smart and humble, a true genius, why it's just science we felt the obligation to confirm whether it is true or not the hypothesis mentioned and that is true all that running, it's true!

¡¡¡¡Just imprecionante Marilyn Vos Sabvant!!!!


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