Conditions of Sale

12 Jul 2023
SimpleMind Science

Before you hire or pay for any services that are at your disposal in, it is imperative that you read these terms and conditions that apply to the provision of the products offered here.

These conditions may be modified at any time. It is your responsibility to read them periodically, as the conditions in force at the time of the conclusion of each Contract (as it is defined below) or, in the absence of this, at the time of such use of the website will be applicable to you.

The services offered are available only for legal persons who are at least 18 years of age.


A. person Responsible for the web

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, informs you that:

  • Identity of the responsible: Mario Olivares Ortega
  • Contact Email:
  • Social activity: Selling online courses, and video creation business online and profit from ADS.

B. products and Services offered on the web and purchase process it puts at your disposal the following services:

  • Online courses, video and creation of online business.
  • Simple Mind Pro – access to all courses of the school's current and the updates for the indefinite period of time as a limited time depending on the course or service you purchased.

The process of e-procurement will be divided into 3 phases. Before any phase must have an account validated within the web page.

First Phase: Within the page, you'll be able to access the cart by a button of purchase, you can add multiple courses prior to making your purchase as well as adding discount coupons or combinations of courses which have discounts sums.

Second Phase: Later you will be redirected to the cart page by using the payment platform where after requesting your contact information, you can make payment through different forms depending on the country of residence as for example Paypal, credit card, credit, bank transfer, among others.

Third Phase: After you make the payment, you will receive an email with proof of payment and purchase in conjunction with the user/password that you previously registered.

The recruitment process will be conducted only in Spanish, which is also the language in which we provide you with all the documentation.

Communications, purchase orders and payments involved during the transaction made on the Website may be filed and preserved in the database not so any data that contains codes, cards or keys with which you made the payment, so as to constitute a means of proof of the transactions, in compliance with the conditions of reasons safety laws and regulations that may apply, and in particular in view of the data protection act and the rights that assist the User in accordance with the privacy policy.

C. Right of exclusion reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the website and products are offered without prior notice, at its own request or of a third party, to those users who violate these terms of use.

D. Pricing and payment methods

The prices applicable to each product are listed on the website on the date on which the order is placed and may vary from hours or days without notice, the same thing will happen with discount coupons or rebates that have the courses at the time of the visit.

On occasion the orders of digital products will have a fee added to the VAT corresponding to the country of destination. The final price will be displayed during the confirmation of your order, and will reflect the rate of VAT applicable in the country of destination of the products.

The payment is always in advance of the 100% and the products will be provided when you confirm the payment. In some occasions can delay the activation of the course acquired because of that the banks must update the transfers. If for any reason payment is declined or you make your payment in any way fraudulent you are in the right without notice to withdraw the access to the course without a refund of the money and can take legal action for fraud.

The prices of the services and products may change at any time at the sole and exclusive discretion of

Within the forms of payment accepted in they are adapted to the PSD2 and they are:

  • Paypal
  • Card, via Stripe. The cards will be subject to checks and authorizations by the issuing entity, but if the entity does not authorize payment we will not consider conclusion of the contract of purchase.

E. Requirements to be able to access the training

To be able to make the formations you will need to:

  • A computer with a color screen or other device as a mobile or tablet.
  • Connection to the internet.
  • Possibility of watching videos (if you can get into Youtube, Vimeo, and you can watch the videos of the course without problems).
  • Ability to view files in Google Drive, OneDrive, among other clouds.
  • Possibility to download and view documents in PDF's, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, photos, and videos.

F. Access to the courses and updates

The users who purchase courses individually, as well as the Simple Mind Pro, you will have access to your content while to continue with your activity. This access could be limited to 1 year when you make an offer point will be indicated on the page before purchase.

Students who purchase any training in you will have access to the updates that are made in such formations, provided that it does not take more than 4 years since its launch or make changes in more than 40% of the training, in which case you must be purchased separately.

G. Right of withdrawal

As this is a digital product, the client does not recognize the right of withdrawal (return of money) of the purchase made, however, as a guarantee extraordinary will have 3 days to try the product, and in the case of not being at the same level or be what you needed, we will proceed to refund the amount paid without VAT or taxes that the form of payment you chose to voluntarily added. Only paid on the net value that appears in the course of the day it was purchased.

The right of withdrawal can be exercised by e-mail sent to [email protected] with the issue RETURN request for a refund of the amount paid shall be made within 28 calendar days from the date on which it has made such communication.

The refund will be by the same payment method used for the initial transaction.

H. Intellectual and Industrial Property

Mario Olivares Ortega is the owner of all the rights of intellectual and Industrial property of the courses and all of its contents and of the elements that appear on the website. All rights are reserved.

You can display only the elements of the website without possibility to print them out, copy them or store them on the hard drive of your computer or on any physical device.

Will not be permitted the acquisition of a service or digital product by more than one person with the aim of reducing the cost, that is to say, in the realization of the payment for a single person for the online course, but access to which is to facilitate the rest of the people who have made this practice, by accessing the course several people with the same password and email. Each license is personal and non-transferable and the website has regional tracking of IP to maintain the safety of cloning per account.

Your login data (access) are personal to you and non-transferable. The system is able to detect when your login has been shared with another person outside of the course, in which case it will lock your login indefinitely. Likewise, it is prohibited the resale of the courses.

In the event of breach of this clause will terminate access to the course immediately, without refund, and shall take the appropriate judicial action.

Any use not previously authorized, it will be considered a serious breach of the rights of intellectual or industrial property of the author, reserving Mario Olivares Ortega the right to bring civil or criminal actions that correspond against users who infringe their intellectual property rights or the intellectual, all this under pain of incurring a crime against intellectual property of the art. 270 et seq. of the Penal Code with imprisonment of up to 4 years.

To connect with Mario Olivares Ortega to raise any doubt, question or complaint you can write to [email protected].

I. Exclusion of Warranties and Liability

We can not guarantee the technical continuity of the web, the absence of, or failure or disruption of the service, or that the website will be available or accessible 100% of the time for reasons beyond the control of or acts of god and/or force majeure, viruses, cyber attacks and/or the actions of third parties resulting in the total or partial inability of the provision of the services, as well as other causes unpredictable as might be the incorrect operation of the internet.

Even if we put all the media for this not to happen and we are committed, as soon as we are made aware of such incidents, to carry out actions aimed at their restoration or repair, unless the concurrence of causes that prevent or hinder its implementation.

Only we guarantee the provision of services consisting in providing content for immediate download, or the performance of the contracted service.

We cannot offer a guarantee of results that you get with the product you purchased because it depends exclusively on the work that you do, we give you absolutely all of the guidelines that you need, but you are the one who must take action.

You should be aware that the content of the materials posted on the training programmes are tips, recommendations or suggestions of professionals, university faculty, researchers, and users based on their own experience and that there is no guarantee that the same can be used for any type of business, activity and/or project.

J. Processing of personal data

In accordance with the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights, the data will be processed by as “Customers and Suppliers” for the purposes appropriate to the treatment, among which are:

  • The management of the legal-economic between owner and their customers.
  • The Management services agreement with the client.

To the extent authorized by the interested party; the first being the user's responsibility to the accuracy of the same.

Unless expressly, the Client expressly consents to the processing of your personal data to send you information of interest, news and offers on products and services through any means, including e-mail.

Estos términos están sujetos a la política de privacidad de

K. Regulation of the consumption

The European Commission has created the first european platform for conflict resolution in the e-commerce covered in the last act of the consumer. Mario Olivares Ortega, as responsible of this platform, online sale, you have a duty to inform their Clients about the existence of an online platform for alternative dispute resolution.

Ponemos a disposición de los usuarios la plataforma de resolución de litigios que facilita la Comisión Europea y que se encuentra disponible en el siguiente enlace:

L. governing Law and jurisdiction

For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities developed therein, shall be governed by Spanish legislation or chile, to which the parties expressly submit, being competent for the resolution of all conflicts derivatives or related to your use of the Courts and Tribunals of Santiago de Chile, unless the law provides otherwise.

M. Contact.

If you have any doubt about this legal notice or any other comment on the website you can write to us at: [email protected]

The legal notice was last updated 08/07/2023